What if you could move beyond the desperation of grief and honor your child's life in a way that is meaningful to you?



Hi I'm Karen & I've survived the loss of a child.

“My greatest struggles are my greatest lessons.” - Unknown

While no one knows exactly how you feel, I can help.  I can walk with you, side by side in your grief, at your own pace, never pushing or pulling but helping you find your own way forward. Every person’s grief journey is different. Every Mom is different. Every child is different. Every circumstance is different. But in many ways, we are all the same. We have all had our lives torn apart by the loss of our child. And we all find ways to live our lives. Some positive, but some not so positive. I look back and wish I had figured some of this stuff out earlier.  I spent so many years floundering. And while grieving the loss of your child is necessary, a lifetime of misery is not. Today, I am a Certified Grief Coach and that training, coupled with my experience allows me to help grieving Moms by using proven methods for healing.


You know from personal experience, life is too short…

Grief is a slippery slope and without help, there is a risk of staying stuck in a desperate, empty, lonely, hopeless place. A grief coach is here to help.


Why should you consider a grief coach?

Your heart is broken.  You’re so sad. You’re numb.  You can’t believe what’s happened.  No one knows how you feel. How could they?  They didn’t have the relationship that you had with your child.  You’re not even sure you WANT to feel better. It wouldn’t be right to feel good when your child is GONE.

Moms in all stages of grief can work with a Grief Coach. There are those early days where you must go through the rawest, realest emotions that exist— then when you begin to function again and wish you could find your smile and yourself again but feel stuck, a Grief Coach can help you find ways to channel your heartache and emptiness into meaningful and positive action.  A Grief Coach will help you explore where you are right now in your grief and figure out your next steps. She may open your eyes to new possibilities or help you find the “old you”. The most important thing is that you discover these things in a way that is meaningful and comfortable for YOU.


I have learned there are three important factors in moving ahead when you have experienced this most painful loss:


Tell your story.


Practice gratitude.


Honor your child.