
About your coach.

I lost my 8 year old son Nicholas in 1996 when he fell through the ice of a frozen pond.  In the years since that terrible day, I have done “all the things” a Mom is supposed to do, including raising and loving my amazing children, Brooke and Collin, now grown.  They are and have been a constant source of pride, joy and love in my life. In the back of my mind though, I knew I had lost a part of my spirit the day I lost Nick. With the encouragement of my family, my fiance and my friends, I started to believe that finding true happiness was entirely possible.  Once I decided that I had an obligation to live my best life in Nick’s memory, I was transformed. Becoming a Grief Coach has given me true purpose and fulfillment. Working with other Moms like me has filled me up in ways I can’t describe. And now I strive to help those Moms find things that fill them up.


Why I believe in grief coaching.

Your heart is broken.  You’re so sad. You’re numb.  You can’t believe what’s happened.  No one knows how you feel. How could they?  They didn’t have the relationship that you had with your child.  You’re not even sure you WANT to feel better. It wouldn’t be right to feel good when your child is GONE.

Moms in all stages of grief can work with a Grief Coach. There are those early days where you must go through the rawest, realest emotions that exist— then when you begin to function again and wish you could find your smile and yourself again but feel stuck, a Grief Coach can help you find ways to channel your heartache and emptiness into meaningful and positive action.

In order to get to a place where you can even consider trying to find a new way in the world, you have to feel these feelings.  This can last weeks, months or in some cases years.

But when you begin to function again, and wish you could feel better, but you feel stuck, enter a Grief Coach…

A Grief Coach isn’t there to push or pull you.  She simply wants to walk beside you in your grief and help you explore where you are right now and figure out your next steps.  She may open your eyes to new possibilities or help you find the “old you”. The most important thing is that you discover these things in a way that is meaningful and comfortable for YOU.